Little Tips About Photographic Equipment Accessories
Selecting the Right Tripod Base Plate
Selecting the Right Tripod Base Plate
There are few things more frustrating than using a camera that doesn't work properly.quick release tripod base plate When you are just starting out with your photography, it's even more frustrating because you've probably spent a fair amount of money on a quality camera and now it won't turn up the way you want it to. But don't despair. With a bit of patience and work, you can usually fix your camera just by replacing the quick release tripod base plate. This article describes what you need to do to replace your tripod base plate quickly and easily in order to get your camera back in action.
The tripod plate is the part of the camera where you place the camera on to in order to take a shot.quick release tripod base plate It also helps to support the camera so that it remains stable when you are taking a shot. The quick release plate is usually made from a hard material such as stainless steel or some similar metal that can easily withstand the weight of the camera and still hold its shape when being used on the tripod.
Most cameras come with a plate but if yours does not then simply go to the camera manufacturer's website and check out the quick release plate that is included with your camera. Typically, the plate will come with some screws that you need to remove to access the plate. If there is no plate then simply unscrew all of the fasteners off the camera including the one on the back. Carefully check the screws and make sure that they are tightened sufficiently so that the camera can be safe.
Once you have removed the old plate, you can replace it with the new one. Some companies make them so that you simply snap together the new plate and snap it into place on the camera. In most cases, all you have to do is place the camera on the plate and make certain that the camera is lined up correctly. Then attach the tripod base to the floor firmly and make certain that it is sturdy. If it is not then give it some thought as to why it is not operating as it should.
The next thing you want to look at is the tripod base plate locking mechanism. Many people mistakenly believe that the only way to operate the camera from a tripod is by opening the quick release plate in order to release the tripod from the bottom. This is not the case as there are some very good locking mechanisms on modern tripod bases that enable you to lock the plates in place. You can easily turn on your camera and take a shot and if you inadvertently turn it off while in use you will find that it will return to its locked position.
As you have just learned, a tripod base plate is very important to the proper functioning of your camera. It can prevent the camera from falling when in use and can keep it safe from getting damaged when being moved around on occasion. As you have learned, however, there are many different types of tripod base plates that you can buy. This will allow you to select the best one for your needs.
Tags:arca swiss clamp quick release | quick release plate clamp | arca swiss quick release clamp | tripod ballhead
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